CAT SONGS is a book of my favorite cat poems, many of which are quite obscure. How many people know the 17century poem "Frost Eyebrows", written about a Chinese Emperor's beloved cat? Also in the book is part of the most famous cat poem in the world, "Jubilate Agno" or "My Cat Jeoffry" written by Christopher Smart, a supposed madman confined to Bedlam in the 16th century. I collected these poems into a little book, published it, and gave copies to every cat rescue group in Oregon to let them know how much we appreciated their efforts for the cats in their care during the Pandemic. They, too, were front-line workers. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the sale of this book goes to cat rescue organizations. And if your favorite cat rescue is interested in raising money for its programs (and what organization isn't?) please send them over to our sister site Funds For Felines at There are some pretty interesting customizable fundraising templates there.